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Hispanic Heritage Show

Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration in which our school, Keys Gate Charter High, recognizes throughout the month of October the contribution, positive influence, and presence of Latin American people in our school. “It’s great to have a special day for us Hispanics to celebrate our culture and appreciating us being here,” Sergio Santanilla, 10th Grader said.

The host, Andy Diaz introduced the show on October 21st to the students who attended to the cafeteria. In a very enthusiastic way, Andy made the audience feel like if they were going to travel around the Latin American countries through musical performances.

Beautiful dances were performed by students who volunteered to participate in the show such as: Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela were some of the Latin American countries presented in this festivity. There were commercial breaks so the dancers were able to have a smooth transition.

For the “Gran Finale” the Varsity Dance Team closed the show with a Latin American hip-hop routine. “I think the show was good especially the varsity dance team at the end of the show,” Claudia Charles, 12th Grader added. To conclude, the host thanked Ms. Corpas for general organization, Mr. Bolanos for guitar leader, the AV team for lighting and music, the National Honor Society team for decorations, and all the Spanish teachers.

To wrap-up the event, Andy invited the spectators to join the dancers on the stage and dance to the rhythm of Latin American notes.

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