Drama Show: And Then There Were None
With the sound of the ship’s horn echoing, the curtain of the play raise. The mystery drama play taking place in U.N. Owen’s mansion, on...
A wonderful musical concert put on by the beginner and intermediate band members. Parents, students, and supporters listened to ‘Shadows...
Q2 - Honor Roll
Keys Gate Charter High School celebrated its Q2 Honor Roll took on February 8th. The Honor Roll ceremony was students from grade 7th to...
Black History Month
Black History Month is annual celebration for all the things Africa Americans have went through and achieved. Historian Carter G. Woodson...
Valentine's Day
As most of you consider as a day of love, Saint Valentines or the Feast of Saint Valentine is celebrated annually on February 14. It...
What is the one day that people wear green and feel lucky? It is St. Patrick’s Day or the feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and...
Easter is a holiday religious so people can celebrate the resurrection of Jesus for some religions. This year Easter will take place on...
Students have a great day under the sun. Keys Gate Charter participates in a friendly fundraising activity and invites to school out to...
The students from Keys Gate Charter High School attended a field trip to the University of Miami on February, 4, 2019. The University of...
The girls’ varsity basketball team played a fantastic and nerve-racking game against Gulliver. The game took place at Keys Gate Charter...