Pi Day
This year on Pi Day, Ms. Parks' class decided to create a visual demonstration of the Number Pi. Pi is so special, not only because is it infinitive and irrational, but also because it is related to certain mysteries of the universe, and its pattern is found throughout nature. The ratio 22/7 is connected to the sun, rivers, DNA, the pupils of eyes, orbits of planets, and so much more. Very rarely do students get to be creative in a math class, so we decided to represent this phenomenal number. Each digit, 0-9, was represented by a different color of construction paper to form a massive paper chain. We started with the digits 3.14 of course, and continued to coordinate the colors by the actual sequence of Pi. By the end of the day, the chain was represented the first couple hundred digits of Pi. Ms. Parks’ 6th period class was able to take the chain outside, form a circle, and form the Pi symbol in the middle of it. This activity was a fun and creative way to celebrate Mathematicians' favorite Holiday, Pi Day.